Family Promise of Ontario County
Thank you for your continued support of the Family Promise Program during our host weeks. For 2024 our host weeks are in March and September. Please donate or provide gift cards as you are able.
We gave $420 toward the 2024 Family Promise Bed Race. Thank you for your generosity!
Several congregations and local businesses purchased and wrapped over 500 Christmas gifts for 20 families with 61 children. Our congregation provided gifts for a one-year-old girl and her Mom.
Gas cards are most useful now, as Family Promise has a grant to pay for family groceries.
We can engage face to face with our guests, as COVID subsides in our area. Want to help? Could you...:
« Reset an apartment, help manage donations, grocery shop for our families or help in the office?
« Donate gift cards for our families to buy groceries?
« Inventory and deliver books as part of our partnership with the Budding Readers program?
« Inventory, organize, and deliver donated toys at the Day Center?
« Pray, pray, pray for FPOC families, employees and volunteers:
Permanent housing for all of our guests
A childcare solution for a mom whose work hours are being changed
Peace and stability for a mom experiencing mental health concerns
Strength and love for a first time mother with a one-month-old baby
An easy birth for a mom in labor!
So many ways to help!
Get creative; contact Todd Bernhardt at or 585-478-0453 to learn more.
Save the DATES!
Tues, July 23 - Bed Race at Ontario County Fairgrounds, Canandaigua, NY. On our web page, the first $200 in donations will be MATCHED by our Missions and an anonymous donor! To donate at our page:
Our congregation gave $420 for the 2024 Family Promise Bed Race. Thank you for your generosity!
Sat, April 13 - Knock Down Pins to Lift Up Families Bowl-a-Thon at Roseland Bowl, Canandaigua, 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. It's not too late to register as a team of five or as an individual. To sign up, click here: We could also use some volunteers to help check teams in, run raffles, etc. If you'd like to help with this or any of these events, respond this email and I'll reach out to you!
Sun, April 28 - Seneca 7 Around-the-Lake Relay, 4:00-8:00 p.m. at Watershed Brewing, 3543 East Lake Rd, Geneva. Family Promise provides a team of five volunteers to help with this festive road race; in return the race organizers (and sometimes one or more of the race teams) make a generous donation to FPOC.
Sat, June 15 - FLX Pride Festival at Lakefront Park in Geneva, 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. We will need volunteers to set up, staff, and take down a Family Promise information table in 2 hour shifts
There are opportunities to volunteer also:
- Prayers, Prayers, Prayers!
- Donate gift cards or online to Family Promise of Ontario County
Thank You for donating to FPOC for our team in the Bowl-A-Thon Sat. April 13,2024 !
Thanks for donating to FPOC Amazing Bed Race 2021 - "Night Without A Bed". All week we gathered donations for the Amazing Bed Race; exceeded our goal of $750 and won the Knights of Columbus matching $1,000 challenge. See photo below.
Questions or ideas? Please Contact:
Pat Schiller 315-789-2550
Deb Iddings 315-521-2358
Todd Bernhardt 585-478-0453 or
Sign up online to help - go to:
Geneva First United Methodist Church